Saturday, March 2, 2013

Apple Crisp a la mode

One of my favorite fall dessert. Well, actually all year round. This is not your regular crisp recipe, i experimented on some ingredients which i think will add more flavor to the crisp. Well....I'm happy to tell you that this was a success! If you like caramel and apple jam....then you should give this a try!


4 medium apple, sliced (I used apples that we picked from our Apple picking adventure)***
1/4 C caramel (I melted 1/2 a bag of 14 oz Kraft Caramel) i had some left overs.
1/2 C homemade apple jam or store bought
3/4 C packed light brown sugar
1/2 C self rising flour or All purpose flour
1/2 C Old fashioned oats
8 T butter (one stick)
3/4 t cinnamon

Heat oven to 365 degrees F.

Grease bottom and sides of a baking pan with butter.

Arrange sliced apples in baking pan.

To melt the caramel, follow the caramel package instructions.

Mix together melted caramel and apple jam.

Pour the caramel/jam mixture into the baking pan making sure to spread it all over the arranged apple slices
In a bowl, using your hands, mix and stir brown sugar, flour, oats, cinnamon and softened butter until it forms pea size lump.

Sprinkle over apples.

Bake about 45 minutes or until topping is golden brown and bubbling.

Serve warm with ice cream or whip cream.

Used different varieties from our apple picking.





  1. Hey,
    Actually, I really like your blog. This apple+crisp recipe looks delicious. Can't wait to try it.
    I was wondering if you would be interested in sharing your posts and ideas on Glipho? It's a quite new social publishing platform for bloggers like you. :)

    1. Hi, Monika. Thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind comment,
      Pls. give this a try and let us know how yours went.
      I don't mind for as long as i get the link :). I will visit the Glipho site.

  2. Wow! I like your recipe, Is this our own philippines food recipe? It was my first time to know a recipe like this. Thanks anyway, I will try it.

    1. Hi, Samantha. Thank you for visiting my blog and for the comment.

      This actually is not a Filipino dish but you can certainly substitute the apple for an Asian/Filipino fruit to make it a Pinoy version.

      Hmmm...thank you for giving me an idea. This will be great with mango or Asian pears as well. I will have to try this w/ mango ;)
