Wednesday, September 24, 2008


My daughter gave me a Tapas Cookbook last May and went on a mission to try all the recipes from this book. To date i'm not even halfway, but will eventually finish and test the recipes. So far, there is only one Tapas recipe that i like the least.

All the recipes serves 8


4 Large skinless, boneless chicken breasts
5 T Spanish olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
6 garlic cloves, finely chopped
Zest of 1 lemon, finely pared rind of
1 lemon and juice of both lemons
4 T chopped fresh flatleaf parsley, plus extra to garnish
salt and pepper
lemon wedges and crusty bread, to serve.

Slice chicken into think strips.
Heat olive in a skillet, then add the onion and cook for 5 minutes, or until translucent.
Add the garlic and cook for an additional 30 seconds.
Add the sliced chicken to the skillet and cook for 5 more minutes, stirring from time to time, until all the ingredients are lightly browned and the chicken is tender.
Add grated lemon zest and lemon juice and bring to a boil.
At the same time, deglaze the skillet by scraping and stirring all the bits on the bottom of the skillet.
Remove the from the heat, then stir in the parsley and season to taste with salt and pepper.
Serve hot and garnish w/ the lemon zest, lemon slices and some parsley.
Crusty bread for mopping up the juices.


Y: 8 slices

1 Lb waxy potatoes ( i used yukon gold potatoes)
generous 1 3/4 cups olive oil
2 onions, chopped
2 large eggs
salt and pepper
sprigs of fresh flatleaf parsley, to garnish

Slice potatoes like chips/scalloped, dry slices very well.
Heat olive oil in a large, non-stick skillet.
Add potato slices and onions, then reduce the heat and cook the potatoes until tender.
Meanwhile, beat the eggs lightly, season well w/ salt and pepper.
Pour in the egg mixture, making sure the potatoes are equally distributed through out the skillet.
Add oil if necessary. Use a spatula to keep loosening the tortilla from the bottom of the skillet to avoid it from sticking.
To cook the other side of the tortilla, cover it w/ a plate and hold the plate in place with the other hand.
Quickly turn the skillet upside down so that the tortilla falls onto the plate.
Return the skillet to the heat and add a little more of the oil if necessary.
Slide the tortilla, cooked side up, back into the pan and cook for additional 3-5 minutes or until the bottom side is cooked.


3 t paprika
1 t ground cumin
1/4-1/2 t cayenne pepper
1/2 t salt
1 lb small old potatoes, peeled (I used yukon gold potatoes but Idaho would be great too)
oil, for shallow frying
Combine paprika, cumin, cayenne pepper and salt in a small bowl and mix well. Set aside.
Cut potatoes into wedges. Coat potato wedges w/ the spice mixture.
Heat oil in a nonstick skillet, then add the potato wedges, preferably in single layer to achieve a crispy fried potatoes. Over crowding the skillet with potatoes will make it mushy.
Serve the Fiery Tomato Salsa
Salsa recipe:
2 T olive oil
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
splash of dry white wine
14 oz canned chopped tomatoes
1 T tomato paste
1/4-1/2 t red chili pepper flakes
dash of Tabasco sauce
pinch of sugar
salt and pepper
Heat the olive oil in a pan, then add the onion and cook for 5 min. or until softened but not browned.
Add the garlic and cook for an additional 30 sec.
Add the wine and let bubble, then add all the remaining ingredients, simmer, incovered, for 10-15 min, or until a thick sauce is formed.


1 lb white mushrooms
5 T olive oil
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
squeeze of lemon juice
salt and pepper
4 T chopped fresh flatleaf parsley

Wipe or brush clean the mushrooms, then trim off the stems close to the caps.
Cut the large mushrooms in half or into fourths if necesssary.
Heat olive oil in a nonstick skillet, then add garlic and cook for 30 seconds- 1 min. or until lightly browned.
Add the mushrooms and saute over high heat. stirring most of the time, until they have absorbed all of the oil in the skillet stirring from time to time, until the juices have almost evaporated.
Add a squeeze of lemon juice and season to taste with salt and pepper.
Stir in the parsley.
Serve hot.


1 lb fresh mussels, in their shells
splashof dry white wine
1 bay leaf
3/4 stick butter
generous 1/2 cup fresh bread crumbs
4 T chopped fresh flatleaf parsley, plus extra to garnish
2 T snipped fresh chives
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
salt and pepper
lemon wedges, to serve

Clean mussels, pulling out any beards.
Discard any with broken shells and shells that are closed even when tapped.
Put mussels in a large pan and add a splash of wine and bay leaf.
Cook, covered, over high heat for 5 min. shaking the pan occasionally, or until shells are opened.
Drain mussels and discard any that remain closed.
Shell the mussels, reserving one half of each shell.
Arrange, in a large, shallow, ovenproof serving dish.
Melt butter and pour into the bread crumbs, parsley, chives, garlic and S&P to taste and mix well.
Fill each mussel shell w/ the breadcrumb mixture.
Bake the mussels for at least 10 minutes or until hot.
Serve hot with lemon wedges.


2 T olive oil
6 slices serrano ham
12 asparagus spears

Preheat oven to 400 F.
Drizzle roasting pan w/ olive oil.
Trim ends of the asparagus spears, then wrap a slice of ham around the stem end of each spear.
Place the wrapped spears in the roasting pan and lightly brush the ham and asparagus with the remaining olive oil.
Season spears with pepper.
Roast for about 10 min. or until tender but still firm
Serve the roasted asparagus hot with aioli for dipping.

Aioli (my version)
2 cloves garlic, minced
Lemon juice or white wine vinegar.

Mix all ingredients and serve.

1 comment:

  1. OOohh you made them hee hee and they look better than the ones I had ;) I like the touch with the aioli and the other tapas all look great too ^^!
