Monday, August 18, 2008


I bought a small basket of a variety of heirloom tomatoes at the farmers market. Call it coincidence that afternoon i watched Jamie Oliver whip up a recipe that calls for fresh tomatoes and sausages. He used sweet cherry tomatoes, so i made my version. I used all the heirloom tomatoes and a combination of hot Italian sausages and Polish sausages. This was a very easy need to babysit while it's in the oven, ofcourse you'll have to set the timer so you'll not forget.

This recipe is a keeper...the heirloom tomatoes gave an umph if i may say so. These heirloom tomatoes are so sweet, juicy and not acidic compared to regular tomatoes. I left some of the yellow pear tomatoes whole...the juice just bursts in your mouth the moment you bite into these tomatoes. The combination of herbs was just perfect! I prefer the hot Italian sausage compared to the Polish sausage. I served this w/ French bread to mop the sauce/juice. I'm sure using regular tomatoes will be as deliscious as well.

For the original recipe pls check Jamie Olivers Sweet cherry tomato and sausage bake.

Slices of heirloom tomatoes

Ingredients to make Roasted Heirloom Tomatoes and Sausages:

Bay leaves, Thyme, Tomatoes, garlic, Rosemary (not shown)

Arrange all the ingredients in a casserole dish/tray. Drizzle w/ balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Put in a preheated oven (375 degrees F). Give the sausages and tomatoes a turn after 30 minutes and bake again for another 30 min. or until the sausages are cooked.

This is how the tomatoes and sausages will look like...fresh out of the oven.

Serve w/ a slice of baquette or French bread to mop the sauce. Or as Jamie suggested serve this w/ rice or pasta or mashed potatoes.

Like i said this is a keeper. Lami kaayo, humot pa jud!!!=:)( This is delicious and smells really good too!)

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