Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Welcome to my first "Arts and Crafts" blog :) If you haven't read my about me...yup, aside from cooking i love me some DIY's as well. ;)

(May 24, 2012)

I love, love personalized and unique gifts. I got the idea from  Design Sponge . I love the concept, i have to make it. I made one for my niece who just welcomed a very pretty bundle of joy. I thought, what a great way to document the arrival of the baby. A one line journal is perfect for a busy mom to write down important or unforgettable memories and something i know they will enjoy in years to come.

An inexpensive and easy project and yet it'll be a priceless gift for sure!!!!

I bought the materials from the dollar store and spent $4 total.

Box - $1
 6 packs of Index Cards (3 in. x 5 in) 2 for $1
*buy 1 pack colored index card
Ribbon -2 pieces (cut 12 inches length)
If you don't have a ribbon find anything to tie or bundle the index cards.

Love the box!

I'm telling you...everything worked out perfectly!!!!  FIT TO A TEE ;)

You will need the ribbon for these reasons 
1) To bundle/tie the cards per month
2) To indicate the current month
3) To make it easy to pull out the cards.

Like i mentioned, i like personalized gift so i opted to have the labels handwritten. 
Divide each months with the colored index cards.

Write the month and dates on each cards.
Organize the cards according to months and dates.

Viola....project done!!!! 


  1. I really love the box you put it in! A friend posted this on her blog too and I think it's such a great wedding or baby shower gift, I just keep forgetting to give it! Well, I have a wedding in November, this will be my gift!

  2. I love the concept. The original one used fruit cart and old postcards...i like the rustic look idea but when i found this box at the dollar store i had the "aha moment". The box made it more of a beautiful gift and a bit Victorian-ish? ;)

    Check out your dollar stores for the box. What did your friend use? did she use the fruit cart too?

    1. Yes, I think it is Victorianish :) and very pretty! My friend used a basket-it's very nice but I do like that yours has a cover to keep dust out. Here's hers:
